El Salvador COE #11 Las Duanas Pacamara Anaerobic Washed 浅煎り



El Salvador   COE #11 
Las Duanas 
Pacamara Anaerobic Washed Light Roast (浅煎り)

Tasting Notes:Papaya,Tropical Fruits、Orange、Sugarcane、Grape

・生豆生産国(Country) エルサルバドル(El Salvador)

・地域(Region) チャラテナンゴ(Chalatenango)

・生産者(producer) エンリケ メナ グティエレス(Enrique Mena Gutierrez)

・標高(Elevation)  1910m

・精選(Process)  アナエロビックウォッシュド(Anaerobic Washed)

・品種(Verietal)  パカマラ(Pacamara)


そして、国際審査会での3ラウンドのセッションを経て上限となる30ロットが見事にCup of Excellenceを受賞しました。
2024年のエルサルバドルCOEは、【Washed+Honey】【Natural】【Experimental】と生産処理別に3つのカテゴリーで審査が行われ、【Washed+Honey】が8ロット、【Natural】が10ロット、【Experimental】が12ロットCup of Excellenceに選出されました。



<Buyer's comments>


Las Duanas Estate is located at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level in San Ignacio, Chalatenango Province, an area classified as Alotepec-Metapan, one of El Salvador's six coffee producing regions.
It has the best of both worlds: a rich ecosystem and beautiful views over the towns of San Ignacio and La Palma, as well as nearby springs and waterfalls.
The Mena family has been farming and ranching in the area, and they say that they have now switched to coffee cultivation only in order to preserve the biodiversity of this forest and maintain the ecosystem.
Their passion for caring for the environment is shared by everyone who has worked on the farm since that time, including many endangered species of deer, squirrels, and snakes. Such a transition was not a simple one. The long road from their home to the plantation was not paved at the time and they had to ride horses to get there every day, and various investments were necessary to produce high quality coffee.
It seems that they spent a long time to build the infrastructure, and with the wisdom of experts, they diligently worked on the selection of varieties, planting, cutback, production processing process, and drying method, both in consideration of the environment.
They are confident in the rich natural environment that produces great coffee, even on a small farm deep in the mountains, and they have big dreams. In the future, he hopes to open a café to sell their coffee and let people know about the high quality of El Salvador's coffee. He also hopes that their coffee will be exported to let people know about the great coffee produced in this region, and the region as a whole will thrive.